zondag 17 februari 2013

Only 4 days to go....

Only 4 days to go, so counting down has really started ......

All preparations are finished, packing has been done, logistics has been prepared, my work has been finished or transferred to my successors, so ready to go.
Thanks to the great help of Nitu, our facilitator who joined CSC Indonesia 3 last year and Jean from ABV (Australian Business Volunteers) we are all well prepared to this great and probably life changing experience! Last Friday already I noticed a first healthy nervousness with myself. It is so exciting!

The next last three days at work will be used to dotting the i's and fill in some blank spots. Feels good to leave with an empty agenda!

Thursday evening I will meet David from Ireland at Schiphol and together we'll fly with KLM to Jakarta with a stop in Kuala Lumpur. Friday evening (local time) we meet most of our team mates and than our adventure can start. We'll stay in Jakarta for two nights to meet the country manager of IBM Indonesia. We stay at the luxury hotel Four Seasons. Our stay in Bandung will be more according to local standards, which I will tell more about when arrived.

We all are thrilled to finally meet each other and ready to start our assignment where you can also read about in our team blog. For the address see the "About me" section.

#ibmcsc indonesia

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