Getting a visa for Indonesia isn't as quick & easy as it might go for other countries.
First you have to fill in an online form which generates a request number. With the request number you can and have to make an online appointment to go to the Embassy. Someone has to go there in person, you cannot send your passport via mail with all the papers to the Embassy as it can in other countries.
Apparently a lot of people request for a visa, as the first possible date was a month ahead, already half way in January, but still on time before leaving.
On Friday January 18th I went to the Embassy with all my papers (I thought), including passport, photo, travel booking form and a sponsor letter from an institution in Indonesia as indicated on the website. Unfortunately my paperwork was not complete. I also needed a copy of the KTP (ID) of the person who signed the letter from the "Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Provinsi Jawa Barat".
My remark that it was not clearly mentioned on the website lead to the reaction that others did bring example of losing face in case the lady had to admit that it is indeed unclear?
I tried to reach the Dinas Komunikasi while I was still at the Embassy, but bad luck, I couldn't reach the right person, people who answered the phone didn't speak I returned back home empty-handed.
Happily ABV, the organisation in Australia who organises our trip, and the contact person of the Dinas Komunikasi responded quickly on my additional request. Two working days later I went back to the Embassy and everything was ok! In 10 minutes I was on my way back to the office.
Another 3 days later I could pick up my passport with visa! Finally! After three times driving to The Hague, how great to live in a small country!
#ibmcsc indonesia
My Visa |